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Using Queue Management Software

Nobody likes waiting in line, but faced with an alternative of not getting what you want at all is an even less attractive solution. Instead of having customers and end-users redirected to an ‘Oops’ page or a 404 message, a virtual queue management system can eliminate website downtime and improve end-user experience for your online traffic. It’s also incredibly easy to try and set up! Queue-it, a start-up company in Denmark, offers a free trial of their GO Queue-it Platform to anyone who thinks that it might be useful. If you like it, their team of industry professionals can get the system up and running with your current infrastructure in as little as 30 minutes!


The user benefits are obvious. Instead of pushing end-users away from the site during downtime, which also can lower trust in the brand and lead to declines in customer loyalty, the virtual waiting room gives them dynamic, up-to-date information on where they are in the queue, as well as expected wait times and current volume. You can customize exactly how much information is given to end-users as they’re waiting, as well as the pages themselves. Information about projects, events, sales, or general information can be posted on the queue page, ensuring that any time that your end-users spend waiting is time that you don’t lose getting your message out.

Managing the flow into your website is much easier with a quality virtual queue as well. The GO Queue-it Platform gives you constant vigilance over your queue with dynamic information about the number of people in the queue as well as the longest amount of time an end-user has been waiting. You also want to make sure that your team has access to the system during peak traffic without having to wait. The software allows you to designate IP addresses at your business location as able to bypass the waiting room so that your team remains active in reducing downtime or technical issues.

Stay in contact with your customers and end-users with dynamic messaging that delivers messages, in real time, to users that are waiting in the queue. This can be updates on current server maintenance which is causing high volume, messages about special event operating procedures to help smooth out checkout for one-off sales and offerings, or information about sales and upcoming events that users can look forward to. All of this functionality comes standard with the software.

Installation doesn’t require much work, either. The GO Queue-it Platform is browser based and it is not a DNS based solution, so the servers that it’s hosted on doesn’t have any website payload. They also have an option on their main website for ‘urgent’ orders in case you need immediate support for unexpected traffic.

Ultimately, we all must bow to the time-old adage, ‘Time is Money’. Any time that you spend with your website inoperable is time where users are getting unhappy and you can see reduced revenue and productivity. So make sure that your website is prepared for any amount of traffic with a virtual waiting room.


About Blackmon Lon

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